
Thursday, 23 May 2013

So I Got Engaged!

Sorry for the big break in posts, it's all been a bit chaotic round here. Crazy work, I've been ill, quick trip to Germany, which resulted in the most exciting news for me ever: my Eric PROPOSED!

We're engaged. To be married. I am so excited!

My ring now it's been resized!
 The ring Eric used was his Grandma's and we think it's from the thirties. It wasn't her actual engagement ring, but I loved it since we discovered all of her jewelry and I'm so happy that Eric remembered.

I haven't really shared much about my fiancé on here so I thought I'd put a few pictures of us in this post. We met at the Gliding Club during a competition weekend and became good friends for a few months before we went on our first date (lovely old local pub!) in September '09.

Recently at RAF museum London messing about in the Jet Provost!
I've got into the vintage thing since meeting him and he's very understanding! He even puts up with crazy rollers and me bringing home random collections of vintage sewing machines.....

We spend a lot of time at airfields and doing flying related things. It's his passion and mine most of the time!

At a forties dance last year. And an awesome Mustang!
In the general spirit of weddings, I've been vaguely researching dresses (yay dresses!) and here's a couple of my favourite inspiration dresses so far!

Beautiful.... Maybe a little simple? And cold for a winter wedding!
A bit more modern in concession to Eric, but it has POCKETS!!
So yeah, it's going to be a year and a half or so before we actually tie the knot. Plenty of time to save up and find cheap deals!

I'm thinking of running a Frugal Vintage Wedding Planing type series on here. Just my processes of going through planning and everything. It won't be a totally vintage wedding as it's not Eric's thing so much, and there will be plenty of aviation action, but it will be fun and awesome. I'll be marrying my best friend in the whole world and that's the important thing!

My favourite photo of us.... *not mine*

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Review: Brown Eye Definer

Hey there!

Another review for you today! Eye Definer. I was going to wait until it actually ran out (I'll try and update when it does!) but I got impatient and so here you go!

I purchased this the other week from Morrisons and I've also seen it in Tesco so it was really easy to grab while getting a few bits from the shops! I'm sure stores like Boots and Superdrug do it as well, but that would've involved a trip into town for me.

No Make Up.... Scary....

The product is Brown Eye Definer by Collection. It cost £2.99 and at a guess, using it everyday to line your eyes I think it will last about two months.

Eye Definer Only

I've really been enjoying using it everyday. It's a softer look than the black I used to wear, and quicker to slick on in the mornings.

Eye Definer and Black Mascara

It goes on really softly and smoothly. It's staying power isn't fantastic. Certainly no where near liquid liner, but for a casual day look, I don't mind if it's getting a bit smudged by seven pm! I did try defining my brows with it, and it gave a great fifties type brow without being too much (which i find doesn't suit me) although I still found it too much for everyday wear in a workshop! If you were doing something a bit more glam it would probably be great!

Heavey fifties style make up, much more suited to dark
lighting on a night out and better hair than a pony tail!

I keep it in my handbag as the packaging seems pretty sturdy and the lid goes on with a nice satisfying click so no worries about liner all over the inside of  my bag!

I think it's a great little accessory for your bag, quick, cheap and easy.

Price: 5/5 Bargain.
Value for money: 4/5 I don't think it's going to last for months on end, but at such a cheap price, it's not the end of the world!
Look: 5/5 Soft and more subtle than liquid liner. More like a type of Kohl. Just what I want for work.
Staying power: 3/5 I wouldn't recommend this for a sweaty evening of dancing for example, but it's good enough for a casual day.

End result: 4.25/5 Good, cheap and easy for a casual look. Not so good for glamourous evenings out.

I'll be buying it again! I also want to try their felt tip liner as I'm pretty rubbish with the liquid stuff!!

Jo :-)

PS. Sorry the photos are sideways, they just don't seem to want to play ball! Although I'm so pleased my computer is working again I shall forgive them for now!!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Outfit: New Shirt

Hello there!

The sun is shining and the other day I used that as an excuse (and who needs one really...) to do a little bit of summery shopping. Those who follow my instagram (@ofavintageair) will have seen my mini haul and today I thought I'd share my new shirt!

Summery Stripey Shirt
There's only so much I can say about a shirt to be honest. I had it tucked in for a while, but wasn't feeling it with these jeans. So I tied a knot which may look a tad silly with a vest underneath but it was still too chilly for anything else!

Those with eagle eyes may notice the headscarf made from a scrap of fabric from my Spring Circle Skirt. When I say made I may be exaggerating slightly as what I actually mean is cut into a triangle and folded!

Now for some silly poses!

The Casual Lean
We all stand in our kitchens like this right??

Rosie the Riveter Pose
I tried to think of some clever alliteration with Jo but nothing came.... The best was Jo the Joiner and to be honest it's pretty much a fail!

The shirt was only £4. It's ever so comfy and soft, and cheap enough that I don't worry about wearing it to work.

Shirt: Tesco
Vest: Asda
Jeans: Charity Shop (I've taken the turn ups down since I last posted a photo and need to do something with them again as they're a bit long!)
Boots: Hard as Nails. Seriously. Every girl needs steel toe caps and soles in her wardrobe surely?

Enjoy the sun!

Jo :-)

Review: Retro Razor

Hey there people! This was almost ready to go when blogger helpfully lost it and now my computer is being completely uncooperative! So this post today is bought to you from my iPhone. Hence the disjointed pictures. I don't think I have the hang of this yet....

Got my first review here for you today!

As you may have seen on instagram or twitter, I got rather excited the other day about my new razor turning up. I have since used it a couple of times and here's what I have to say about it.

It arrived in a simple cardboard box. To give it's plastic travel box a bit of protection.

The plastic travel box feels a bit cheap but then for the price it's fairly good. Keeps it neat and tidy and easy to travel with.

The hundred blades that came with it are in easy to transport boxes of five and seem to be a fairly decent brand. They certainly work ok!

The razor itself feels fairly heavy in your hand. Not as weighty as more expensive versions but definitely nicer to handle than disposables! The simple twist system to lock in the blade does what it says on the tin! Although a minor concern is that it may get damp inside and this could shorten the life of the razor. I also like that I can use each blade on both sides before recycling it!

Now, actually shaving with it. You definitely need some sort of cream. I use a bottle of shampoo I've got at the moment that doesn't agree with my hair. Cheap conditioner works equally as well and I've heard good things about oil! You angle the blade slightly differently to a disposable and it can take a bit longer to get used to it, but I don't see this being a problem. The times I've used it so far have all been fine (no cuts!!) and I think I've got a bit faster!

It does make me feel like I've got a bit more luxury in my bath now and I've enjoyed using it for the few weeks since it turned up. I haven't even had to turn the blade over yet. It might not cut quite as close in one swipe as a disposable with multiple blades, but a few passes gets you equally smooth pins.

So retro safety blade razors? Big thumbs up from me. They take a little more time but add a little more glamour. Plus in time it will work out cheaper and much more Eco friendly than disposables.

Worth it, I say!

If you're interested in purchasing one you can find it in the Shopping section of my blog as an Amazon Affiliate link. Of you buy through this I get a little bit through them. If not, search and purchase!

Jo :-)