
Tuesday, 17 September 2013

August Instagram Round Up

Well, this post was all ready to go just before I left for Germany. Planned posting on the 6th. And then there was no wifi. :-(

So here it is. Only a couple of weeks late!! 

Ooh a new month and a new Instagram round up! If you fancy seeing some more from me, my Instagram and twitter are both @ofavintageair 

Top five photos by the number of likes! :-) 

5) beautiful 50s beaded handbag. A birthday present from my fiancé's mother :-) I love it! But am so worried about damaging it on an evening out! 

4) Red gingham skirt outfit for a blog post! I love this skirt! It went down so well at the jazz club and is perfect for dancing in!

3) starting to sew up the gingham skirt of my 1940s singer sewing machine. Taken just before the "threading the needle the wrong way" failure!

2) my beautiful spitfire jewellery from one of my very best friends for my birthday! The box says from Hoarders World if anyone's interested in buying some! 

1) and people's favourite this month seems to be sparkly grey nails and my beautiful engagement ring. Can't say I blame them to be honest! Just need to get some of that nail polish for my own now! 

Well. That's your lot folks! I like doing the Instagram round ups. It's nice to look back over what you've been up to for the last month. Sort of like a photo diary! 

Jo :-) 

P.S. are you on Instagram and should I be following you? What were you up to in August?

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