
Wednesday, 8 January 2014

100 Days of Happy

Bit of a random post today! 

I've read Jen's blog of her Make do and Mend Year ( ) for a long time now, although I rarely comment, (bad blogger!) today one of her posts popped through to my email box and I thought I might join in. 

It was all about slowing down and taking the time to appreciate the things we have more. The challenge is called 100 days of happy and details, plus sign up can be found at or search #100happydays. 

The aim is to take a photo a day for 100 days of something that makes you happy. No competing, no cheating, just little personal moments that honestly make you smile. 

As they say. It's the little things. 

I'll be doing the challenge on Instagram and Twitter ( @ofavintageair ) starting today. 

Here's my first happy photo:

My fluffy pink socks always make me (and my feet) happy! They're so toasty. And luminous apparently. They're perfect inside my steel toe capped boots which always get so cold in the winter! So I'm happy and grateful for these socks! Especially as they were a bargain in a sale about a year ago!! 

I'm hoping to do a blog update every Thursday from now on until April 17th 2014 when my 100 days will be up. 

Wish me luck with the challenge! I'm sure I'm happy at least once every day, it's just finding the time to photograph it. 

Which is the whole point! 

Jo :-)

P.S. will you be joining in? #100happydays

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